P.O. Box 190, Cross Lake, Manitoba, CANADA R0B 0J0 Phone: 204 676-2218 Fax: 204-676-3386
Phone: 204-676-2218 ext: 235
Increase awareness in mental health, child development, healthy babies, injury prevention and parenting skills.
Improve the knowledge and skills of front line health workers and community members in the areas of mental health, child development, healthy babies, injury prevention and parenting skills
Provide opportunities to improve health services and develop community-based model projects
Address the serious health problems affecting children and families in a community-based, holistic and integrated manner and support optimal health and social development of infants,
toddlers and pre-scholl age children.
Improve children's health by facilitating prevention and early intervention, and promoting better integration of health services.
Assist parents and professionals with information on the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively contribute to the improved health and development of children.
Support community development and provide opportunity for the community to find their own solutions to the health and development needs of children, youth, families and the commuinty.
Ensure integrated and coordinated care for children and families by coordinating human service sectors (health, social services, justice, education, employment).
Mental Health
Deliver culturally appropriate and holistic community-beased mental wellness/enrichment projects/programs.
Develop/disseminate culturally sensitive resource materials targeted to high risk families.
Undertake activities to develop specialized mental health training.
Links: NAYSPS: National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Provention Strategy
NIHB: Mental Health; Non-Insured Health Benefits
NNADAP: National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program
Healthy Babies and Child Development
Deliver culturally appropriate and holistic community-based healthy baby and childhood development enrichment projects/programs.
Undertake activities to develop training in community approaches to child development.
Provide training opportunities to front line workers and community members.
Links: MCH: Maternal Child Health
CPNP: Canada Parental Nutrition Program
FASD: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
AHSOR: Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve
Injury Prevention
Deliver culturally appropriate and holistic community-based injury prevention projects.
Provide training opportunities to front line workers and community members.
Parenting skills
Deliver culturally appropriate and holistic community-based parenting models, programs in mental health, healthy babies, childhood development and injury prevention.
Assist children and parents to develop positive attidutes, values and skills, rooted in their cultural heritage.
Provide training opportunities to front line workers and community members.
Increase community awareness, particpation and partnerships for injury prevention.
Increase community awareness, particpation and partnerships in mental wellness enrichment.
Increase capacity of mental health community workers
Improve linkages with other programs.
Improve health and mental wellness in First Nations communities.