P.O. Box 190, Cross Lake, Manitoba, CANADA R0B 0J0 Phone: 204 676-2218 Fax: 204-676-3386
Phone: 204-676-3912
Paul McKay
Cultural Support
Leah Scott
Cultural Support
Achako Atamiskatowin
"Rediscovering our Spirit"
Cross Lake, Manitoba CANADA
The Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program (IRSRHSP) provides mental and emotional support services to eligible former students
and their families throughtout all phases of the Indian Residential School Settlement Aggreement. As well as, deelop projects and activities to get to
know the survivors and their families. Create a professional, confidential, respectful and non-judgemental, and a safe environment. and help with;
• Claim Submission of the Indian Residentail School credits
• Support to client before and during a Hearing
• Guide to Psychologist/Counselling at survivors request
• Support during commemorative and community events
• Sharing Circles
• One on one sessions
• TRC events
• Activities
• Workshops
• Cultural Activities - ceremonies, herbs, medicines, pow-wow, and teachings
• Annual Walk - Remembering the Residential School Survivors and those who didn't
• Seasonal Feasts
• Sewing, jingle dresses, skirts, beadwork, other project classes
• Drum and dream catcher classes
• Medicine teachings and information
• Support groups - Elders group, single parents group, grief support group, men's group, etc.
• Sharing circles
• Outdoor activities
• Workshops - Inter-generational Impacts
• Community Events - Embracing Life - Suicide prevention walk, Flower day and clean up, Candle light service, Light of hope, etc.
• Storty telling
• Elder Storeis (so the young people will know and become to understand the affects of residential school)
• Indian Residential school play
• Other activities and suggestions welcome
• Presentations on the "impacts of Residential school" in the schools
The health support staff are there to provide mental and emotional support to former Residential school survivors and their families during and after their participation in Settlement Agreement process, including those in Truth and Reconciliation Commission events, community and commemoration activities. Services are designed to safely address issues related to the negative impacts of the Indian Residentail schools as well as the disclosures of abuse during the settlement agreement process. Also, assist in any paperwork pertaining to Residentail school. In recognition of the inter-generation impacts that the Indian Residential Schools Health Support Program services are also avaialable to family members of former Indian Residential School students.
• Emotional support at TRC and Regional events
• Assistance with self-care preparation
• Educational Seminars and Workshops to raise awareness about the history and continuing issues from Residential School
• Community based workshops on Grief and Loss, suicide prevention, etc.
The cultural support staff co-ordinate the services of Elders and/or traditional healers and seek to assist former students and their families to safely address issues related to Indian Residential Schools. As well as, the disclosure of abuse during the Settlement Agreement process. Specific services are chosen by the former students and/or family and can include traditional healing, ceremonies, teachings and dialogue.
"A Legacy That Will Never Be Forgotten"
Cross Lake
St. Joseph Residential School
1914 - 1969
A million times I cried in the night.
Longing to be loved and cared for.
Tears of pain and suffering fell
Inside these dark walls we were hidden
From the shame and disgrace
A place where I could not be me
"A little Indian Child"
I was beautiful but you could not see
Although you destroyed a little part of my being
You could not destroy the Spirit and The Culture inside of me
Sadly, some small and young
Their Hopes and Dreams will never be
But we will never Forget and Forever keep
In our Hearts the memories and the Spirits
Of those who did not survive
"We Forgive But We Will Never Forget"
A volunteer, self help group, offering friendship, a listening ear, compassion, grief education and hope for the future to all bereaved parents
The griefing Parents Support Group are members from our community who have lost a child. Parents who can relate to your loss and are here to listen if you need a friend.
Cynthia Robinson 204-676-8173
Leah McKay-Scott 204-230-3811
Victoria McLeod
Fred Richard
Cecilia Blacksmith
Janet Ross
Rose Scott
Merle Scatch
Paul L. McKay 204-676-3912
Hedley Scott 204-676-3912
Rosalie Thomas
Catherine Settee
Therese McKay
Samantha Halcrow
They say there is a reason
They say that time will heal
But neither time nor reason
Will change the way I feel
For no one knows the heartache
That lies behind our smiles
No one knows how many times
We have broken down and cried
We want to tell you something
So there won't be any doubt
You're so wonderful to think of
But so hard to live without
Author Unknown
Aims of the GRIEVING PARENTS support group:
• To offer support and friendship to any bereaved parent regardless of age, race and religion
• To provide meetings where feelings and emotions can be shared in an atmosphere of trust, empathy and confidentiality.
• Parents can come and prefer to just listen
• To provide information about the grieving process through our group, coordinators, or any future newsletters
• To listen with understanding and compassion and provide "telephone friends"
• To provide acquaintances with bereaved parents who have worked through their grief and found fresh hope and strength for living
• To let you know that you are not alone...We are her for you
• In hopes of making a difference in your life just by being a compassioante friend
Grief is a natural and normal reactionto loss. It is a physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological response. It is not a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith. It is a painful, and confusing time and can cause a person to isolate themselves. Bereaved parents are more likely to reach a healthy, positive solution of their grief when they receive continuing support from friends, relatives, co-workers and employees.
• There are no magic words to take away the pain. "I'M SO SORRY" is really all that can be said
• If it's okay with the grieving parent, 'GIVE HIM/HER A HUG"
• JUST BE THERE TO LISTEN. Allow the bereaved parent to express the anger, pain, disbelief or guilt they may be feeling
• Let your genuine concern and caring show
• Be available to listen, run errands, help with other children, or whatever else seems necessary at the time
• Avoid judgements of any kind
• Remember the child's birthday, or death date with a card, a phone call or a visit. Let the parent know you remember too
"Together we can make it through, you are not alone"
• Grieving is a natural response
• There is no right or wrong way to grief
• There is no time limit to grief
• Give yourself time to heal
• Don't be afraid to cry. It is okay to cry. Tears are healing. Crying is not a sign of weakness
• It's okay to feel anger, guilt and confusion
• Be aware you may feel appropriate anger at the person, at the world, at God, at yourself. It is okay express it
• Be ware of the pain of your family and friends
• Find a good listener with whom to share. Call someone if you need to talk. Sharing feelings enrich and lead to growth and healing
• Be patient with yourself and others who may not understand
• The willingness to laugh with others and at yourself, is healing
• Remember to take it "ONE DAY AT A TIME"