P.O. Box 190, Cross Lake, Manitoba, CANADA R0B 0J0 Phone: 204 676-2218 Fax: 204-676-3386
Centre Director
Phone: 204-676-2958
Fax: 204-676-3368
Ann Robinson: Early Childhood Educator
Glenda Ross: Early Childhood Educator
Verna Beardy: Early Childhood Educator / Bus Driver
Thomas Osborne Jr.: Bus driver
Phone: 204-676-2501
Pimicikamak First Nation Aboriginal Headstart Program believes that all children have a right to develop in all areas.
Social, Intellectual, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual.
We believe that we need to teach them values and must develop their self esteem, confidence and build their indentity in order to be successful.
We belive that children should be taught at an early age.
We belive that all children should be loved and cared for.
We believe that children need a safe, healthy environment.
We believe that parents are the primary caregivers and that we can only assist in raising their children to be healthy and well balanced individuals.
We believe in involving parents, extended families, guardians, elders and community members in order ro provide a holistic program for our children.
If anyone is interested in this program, please call the Aboriginal Headstart Program: Phone: 676-2501 Fax: 676-3368
Culture and Language
Health Promotion
Social Support
Parental invovlement
The Aboriginal Headstart Program is offered through the Early Childhood Education Centre.
Requirements of eligibility for this program is people who are on Social Assistance or unemployed.
The Aboriginal Headstart Program offer care for children between the ages of 3 months and 5 years old.
The uniqueness of this program is that it is set up with two groups. The morning group and afternoon group of children and parents.
Parental Invovlement is also an important factor of this program.
The parents volunteer in the Center as well as fund raising for special events.
A resource day is provided for the parents for example: child development, cooking, nutrition. Also we have community resource people come in and do a presentaion.
Elder involvement is also very important our elder activity participates in the program
Respect for self
Respect for parents, guardians, brothers, sisters, extended family, guardian.
Respect for Elders
Respect for Spirituality
Respect for Peers
Bond between child/parent/extended family/guardian/interaction
To create a safe and loving environment
To respect children's needs
To respect other parents as well as staff
To respect our elders
To develop positive teachings of child development
To support the Aboriginal Headstart in Fundraising
To follow Center Policy as well as Parent Policy
An awareness of the Aboriginal Headstart Program.